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Canada Stands In A Very Unique Position

Solomon Ikhuiwu

I believe Canada stands in a very unique position. If Canada were to experience a spiritual awakening and revival, I think it could lead the world, and the whole world would look to Canada. Canada could become the world leader in the spiritual dimension." These were some of the words spoken by Billy Graham 45 years ago in a place very close to Hamilton.

Fast forward 10 years later, in 1988, at the Hamilton Copps Coliseum, Billy Graham preached a sermon on spiritual blindness, which should be considered as a warning to us from the Lord. Canada has walked away from its Christian beginnings and heritage and is no longer known as a Christian nation.

Since Billy Graham's sermon in Hamilton, Ontario, there have been other prominent voices like Kenneth Copeland, Bobby Conner, Bob Jones, and others who have prophesied a coming revival to Hamilton, Ontario. There is a special visitation and a wake-up call we are about to experience from the Lord. It feels as though Canada is in a tomb, but it shall rise again in Jesus' name. We believe we are about to see the prophecy concerning a massive revival fulfilled. There is a great cloud of witnesses looking down at this prophetic moment we're in. Get involved! "God Heal Our Land" isn't just a stadium gathering; it is a cry from spiritually passionate Jesus-loving Canadians who want to see an awakening that has been long prophesied. We've felt an excitement that can't be explained in words. God has Canada's comeback planned; it's going to be glorious.

I agree with what Bill Graham said 45 years ago. Canada does have a call to bring healing to the nations if she would live out her God-given potential as a spiritual leader to the world, but God wants to first heal and revive her land. Friends, take advantage of what God is cooking through and invite as many people as you know to register on the site. Don't wait until the last minute to register or give a love offering if God has placed that in your heart. Now is always the best time to be a part of what God is doing through the building phases of the God Heal Our Land stadium gathering event. Don't hesitate to email us if you have any questions about volunteering, joining our 40 days of prayer and fasting coming up, or making a donation of any amount. We love and appreciate you all.

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